What is Twitter Tips? | How to tip Bitcoin on Twitter?


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Twitter announced today that it is supporting Twitter Tips on the Lightning Network.

Additionally, this feature allows you to integrate a third-party non-custodial wallet directly into your Twitter account and send/receive tips.

First, let’s understand Twitter tips in a little more detail and then move on to the steps to send/receive BTC via Twitter.

What are Twitter Tips?

Twitter is a social giant and the company always seems to go the extra mile to provide its users with the best possible service.

Twitter Tips is a global Bitcoin payment solution via the Lightning Network that allows you to send funds around the world.

Twitter has collaborated with the Strike API (which enables Bitcoin + Lightning Network), allowing you to easily send/receive Bitcoin using the Strike app.

However, this service is currently only available to iOS users worldwide and will soon be expanded to all users worldwide.

Why is Twitter the first client for the Strike API?

The Strike API allows marketplaces and businesses to integrate Bitcoin payments using API keys.

You might be wondering that transferring Bitcoin would incur very high fees, but that is not the case with Strike API.

Strike combines Bitcoin and Lightning networks for faster, cheaper payments.

Twitter has made global communications faster, more affordable, and more accessible, and now the Strike API aims to do the same with international payments.

Why Twitter x Strike API?

What do you think will happen when we integrate global payments interoperably with the world’s largest communications network?

As of 2021, Twitter has over 206 million active users worldwide. With the introduction of Twitter Tips, Bitcoin took the first step towards becoming the world’s leading currency.

How do I configure my Twitter profile to send/receive tips?

  • Log in to your Twitter account and edit your profile.
  • Now tap Tips (off by default).
  • You will then need to agree to Twitter’s general tipping policy to continue.
  • You will now be taken to the Twitter tips settings screen.
  • Here, enable the Tips button and select the third-party services you want to enable.
  • You will see a section on the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Enter the username of the service you have chosen here.
  • And once you’re done, you can send/receive payments via Twitter.

How to send tips on Twitter in BTC?

Download the Strike app, create an account, and deposit Bitcoin into it.
(You can get the Strike app on iOS, Android, and as a browser extension.)

  • Now go to Twitter and open the profile of the person you want to tip.
  • Click on the small money icon on your profile.
  • Next, select the amount you want to donate.
  • Click “Next” and add a quote if necessary, e.g. “Bitcoin to the Moon!”
  • Then click on the open wallet.
  • You will be redirected to your non-custodial wallet.
  • Confirm payment and Zoom! Funds are transferred.

How it works?

Twitter has partnered with payment gateway Strike, which recently launched a new feature called Strike API.

Twitter uses the Strike API to connect your Twitter account to the Strike app. You can then send payments directly through your Strike account.

Final Thoughts

The world is evolving and changing more quickly than anticipated. Something that was deemed necessary ten or twenty years ago appears to be restricted to museum exhibits these days.

With the introduction of the Bitcoin Lightning Network on Twitter, the world monetary system is changing into something new and improved. We are living in the greatest generation of technology yet.


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